Archive for August, 2010
Posted by Bernhard Daenzer | Filed under Flight Testing, Operation
Just a short update and to apologize for the delay with videos and other reports…
We simply have been too busy flying :-) Something like 8 hrs in the last week… With all the planning beforehand and data evaluation afterwards, this amounts to quite comprar castillo hinchable baratos a bit of work (although i hate the word “work”… it’s more like “fun”, but leaving little time for other stuff like screening and cutting videos)…
The RV-7A flies great and is everything we hoped for (and more…)
Posted by Bernhard Daenzer | Filed under Flight Testing
This is the first set of promised pictures and videos. There will be more coming.
Photos by: comprar castillos inflables baratos Markus & Christian Keller, Richard castillos hinchables Bätscher, Michi Wellenzohn. Thanks guys.
Posted by Bernhard Daenzer | Filed under Flight Testing
We’re proud to announce that our RV-7A succesfully flew its maiden and second flight today at Birrfeld (LSZF) airfield in Switzerland.
The awesome event was captured by several cameras, so expect an update soon, featuring pictures and video.
The feeling is beyond description and so worth every minute it took to get there!
Both flights went perfect, with the landings being nice and maingear first but flying can still be improved by a little earlier rotation and more flare at touchdown.
First flight was flown by Bernie, followed by cowl removal / inspection and a second flight with building partner Alex as “flight test engineer” ;-)
The only squawks were a seeping oil cooler fitting (which didn’t show up during various ground comprar hinchables juegos baratos runs and only lost a few drops of oil overall) and an aileron trim that went to max right once, which we suspect could be related to control stick wiring.
check back for an update in the following days. will post pictures and videos as soon as they’re gathered and ready.
rgds from RV-grinning
Alex & Bernie
UPDATE: Here’s a teaser image with the famous RV-grin immediately after the first flight with Bernie and Alex cheering. Bear with us for just a toboggan gonflable little longer until we get all the great pictures and videos collected and processed.
Picture by RV-10 builder Michael Wellenzohn
Posted by Bernhard Daenzer | Filed under Paperwork
Got home from the awesome trip to OSH & New York City and finally found the eagerly awaited Permit To Fly in the mail. Of course with tobogã inflavel some restrictions, but all make perfect sense and will eventually be lifted once the flight test program, flyoff period and noise measurement are completed. Now, let’s hope for some nice and stable weather this week.